Monday, September 14, 2009

The Stream - Update.

She's still not in there. The fake google page won't even bring up the camera stream anymore, and I have used all the methods to refresh it. It just doesn't work anymore, simple as that.

I thought I'd try and find out why, so I took a look at the Twitter page for Junko Junsui.

There were a shitload of new tweets(read from the bottom up):

END TWT config
about 2 hours ago from web

ThiS Is noT tHe EnD.// ThiS iS HoW iT BeginS.//
about 2 hours ago from web

Th_E MaRtYrs MuSt noT be Fo_RgoTTeN. WE ARE THE BURNING FLAME>>. %#
about 2 hours ago from web

T_Ell OtHers of WhaT You haVe sEE_N. GatHeR StRenGth foR tHe CaUse of PURITY. _DESTROY the PrisoN TheY haVE SolD You.
about 2 hours ago from web

about 2 hours ago from web

WheN You CeaSe to _SuPPort them, they Will CollApSe _Under tHeiR own WeighT. ##
about 2 hours ago from web

// #ThEir FORTREss IS OnlY TI_NDer FoR our Flam_E. & ThEy ARE StroNG ONLy BeCauSe You Ha_Ve L_Ent ThEm you_R sTrength.@ _
about 2 hours ago from web

#_FOLLOW O_Ur PATh.//* Do Not LeT _Them DeFilE YoU./ / RemAin in LighT. Yo_U Are tHe Pu_Re. TheY Ar_E thE CoRRUPTED _ . << ///                                                                      
about 2 hours ago from web

The_Re _ _T_HERE IS NO GR_EATER BEAUTY, _ NO GREATER PURITY. // ThE FuTURE will KNoW ouR NamE. //#about 2 hours ago from web

In DeAT_H, WE _ WILL _ _FIND NEW LIFE>.// In SAcrifiCe, We wILL FinD TrUE BEauTy. // thE FuTuRe BeIng B_ORn is THis MoMent.
about 2 hours ago from web

If ThEy **BuRy uS, tHeY wiLL OnLy bu_RY thE SEeDs of TheiR oWn DeStRu_CTiON.//
about 2 hours ago from web

FoR ThOse WHo FolloW the TruE P_Ath, ThEre is NO FEAR, FoR deaTH doEs NoT ExiSt. //
about 2 hours ago from web

###///Thi_S How IT B_EgINs //##THis is Not the /End. ##
about 2 hours ago from web

about 8 hours ago from web

We now face great danger ahead in going to rescue our LITTLE SISTER, Rhea Numitorova.
about 8 hours ago from web


Due to the fact that they are both password protected, I cannot embed them here.

First video seems to be of a very secure website that holds info about this woman.

Password: yamantau


Dear Vera and Oksana, 

Thank you for giving me this final chance to redeem my life.

Over the years working in an empty consumerism, I too had become one of the defiled. You alone showed me the path to true purity. You offered me a glimpse of the plan which the Great Mother has for all of us.

I have made many enemies in choosing the side of purity, but my faith is strong. I know that those who would seek to do harm to us will only harm themselves. I know that those who cannot abandon their lives of emptiness will live in prisons of their own creation.

You were right this entire time: "feed them a small amount of animosity, and they will then devour themselves."

For those of us who have chosen the path of the pure, in death there will be new life. Know that I meet my end now thinking of Her.

Yours Faithfully,

The Twitter.

The woman's name in the flash video.
Leads to some crazy fucking videos. I will post them in a second, as well as any information that might be helpful.

The Video Threat.

The Threat.

I found a whole set of pictures from when she went crazy and threatened to kill herself.

Pictures don't get any bigger than on the post, sorry.

Analysis 1

Whilst I'm waiting to see what happened to this girl in the room, that STILL hasn't returned in over 2 hours, I will write a brief analysis on what I think of the Shin Esei website and the flash movie with the woman, and the movie on vimeo that followed.

First up, the website.

It's clear that this whole thing is based on genetic modification. And by looking at the website I'm starting to think that this company/organisation are trying to make this a normal thing. It looks to me like they are trying to make a new race of "perfected" humans, so to say. Through a pregnant woman, I believe they can modify the genes of the foetus before the baby is born. This would require a lot of testing though. And I think that this continues on through the flash movie.

The flash movie.

This has shown that the first "perfect" human has been made. I don't know whether to believe this, because as much as it is viable and perfectly in the Japanese's knowledge to do this, a contract has been signed against doing anything of this sort. Most countries signed it, I am not sure which ones didn't, but I am happy to guess one of them was Japan. It is all very confusing though, with the warping of the video, and the flashes of the girl breathing very heavily on the dirt, I assume that they didn't achieve this perfection without a lot of testing and hard work, that may not have been very pleasurable on the woman's side.

The video.

I have no idea how to explain it. I don't know how it connects to any of this. It's in Russian. So is the writing on the live stream of the room, which might link both of them together, seeing as the  other site and flash movie is in Japanese, and is claiming the Russian "Alpha Tsentr" is "The Enemy". I think the woman is in a lot of pain, and she is very delusional. If I could get someone who could read Russian I could write more, but that's all for now.


For her to come back into the room.

It's been at least two hours.

I don't think this can be a pre-recorded video.. I haven't seen her be away this long before, nor have I seen her get gassed and taken from the room like that. No one ever enters the room with the lights on, if they enter at all.